The Bad - ACS/M Division
The Central Intelligence Agency ("CIA") has a covert Agency of Clandestine Services ("ACS") arm with a dark legacy tracking back to the turn of the previous century. Originally a part of the U.S. Army’s Signal Corps division, the organization was responsible for top-secret projects that served to strengthen the command and control of the combined armed forces.
Through the years, the covert organization (note: the "ACS" name was not used until 2002) was an ad-hoc research and development group that did not “officially exist” as it often moved from one U.S. government agency to another (i.e. Secret Police, OSS, US-RIB, Secret Service, CIA) depending on Presidential policies at that time. ACS is infamously known for its secret experiments on U.S. citizens and other test subjects, which continue today. Below is a list of disclosed past projects released from a recent Senate oversight investigation:
• The Cambridge-Marks Impact Analysis (1922*)
• The Tuskegee Syphilis Study (1931)
• The Pellagra Incident (1932)
• The Fort Detrick Germ Warfare Program (1943)
• Project Best Wish (1945*)
• The LSD Weapons Study (1947)
• Project MkUltra (1953)
• The Warfare Bacteria Tampa Incident (1955)
• LSD testing in Europe (Project Third Chance) (1960)
• LSD testing in the Far East (Derby Hat) (1960)
• Project MkSearch (1965)
• The Hard Time Study of Mississippi (1968*)
• The Experimental Hepatitis B Vaccine Trials (1978)
• Project Sherwood (1980*)
• The Orlando Surf Top Study (1984*)
• The Los Angeles Experimental Measles Vaccine (1990)
• The Edwards-Roosevelt Contract (1997*)
Christopher J. Smalls serves as the Director of Clandestine Services (DCS) and his dual Agency of Clandestine Services and M-Division Security & Task Force Analysis (Red-6 classification) groups are a covert organization that report to the CIA’s Science & Technology department. Director Smalls also has dotted line reporting to the Terrorist Threat Integration Center which reports directly back to both the Director of Central Intelligence and the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. Reporting to Director Smalls is M-Division Security Sergeant Alex Stevens, Finance & Operations Manager Thomas Clark, and Chief Scientist Professor Matthew Lamb.
Download the ACS/M-Division organization chart here.
Through the years, the covert organization (note: the "ACS" name was not used until 2002) was an ad-hoc research and development group that did not “officially exist” as it often moved from one U.S. government agency to another (i.e. Secret Police, OSS, US-RIB, Secret Service, CIA) depending on Presidential policies at that time. ACS is infamously known for its secret experiments on U.S. citizens and other test subjects, which continue today. Below is a list of disclosed past projects released from a recent Senate oversight investigation:
• The Cambridge-Marks Impact Analysis (1922*)
• The Tuskegee Syphilis Study (1931)
• The Pellagra Incident (1932)
• The Fort Detrick Germ Warfare Program (1943)
• Project Best Wish (1945*)
• The LSD Weapons Study (1947)
• Project MkUltra (1953)
• The Warfare Bacteria Tampa Incident (1955)
• LSD testing in Europe (Project Third Chance) (1960)
• LSD testing in the Far East (Derby Hat) (1960)
• Project MkSearch (1965)
• The Hard Time Study of Mississippi (1968*)
• The Experimental Hepatitis B Vaccine Trials (1978)
• Project Sherwood (1980*)
• The Orlando Surf Top Study (1984*)
• The Los Angeles Experimental Measles Vaccine (1990)
• The Edwards-Roosevelt Contract (1997*)
Christopher J. Smalls serves as the Director of Clandestine Services (DCS) and his dual Agency of Clandestine Services and M-Division Security & Task Force Analysis (Red-6 classification) groups are a covert organization that report to the CIA’s Science & Technology department. Director Smalls also has dotted line reporting to the Terrorist Threat Integration Center which reports directly back to both the Director of Central Intelligence and the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. Reporting to Director Smalls is M-Division Security Sergeant Alex Stevens, Finance & Operations Manager Thomas Clark, and Chief Scientist Professor Matthew Lamb.
Download the ACS/M-Division organization chart here.

Director Christopher Smalls
Director Christopher J. Smalls is responsible for off-the-books CIA Clandestine Services ("DCS"). He started his government service career with the FBI in 1975. After a short but successful stint running the bureau’s 976-Sex Crimes division in San Francisco he took an extended leave of absence to care for his mother who was battling cancer. Following her prolonged illness and death he returned to government intelligence work in 1981, but this time with the CIA Headquarters Operations group at Langley. Deputy Director Smalls ran this group for ten years prior to moving over to the Science & Technology group where he wrote the charter for and launched the Agency’s black ops Agency of Clandestine Services organization. In January 2002, three months after the 9-11 terrorist bombings, Smalls was able to secure Presidential approval from the Bush administration to launch ACS’s M-Division Security & Task Force Analysis group. He was named Director (DCS) of the new organization and had dotted line reporting to the Terrorist Threat Integration Center and the Director of Central Intelligence ("DCI"). Recent Congressional oversight hearings have brought attention to CIA black ops activities, specifically Dir. Smalls' ACS/M-Division and Project Greenleaf (7M-14, 7M-23).
Director Christopher J. Smalls is responsible for off-the-books CIA Clandestine Services ("DCS"). He started his government service career with the FBI in 1975. After a short but successful stint running the bureau’s 976-Sex Crimes division in San Francisco he took an extended leave of absence to care for his mother who was battling cancer. Following her prolonged illness and death he returned to government intelligence work in 1981, but this time with the CIA Headquarters Operations group at Langley. Deputy Director Smalls ran this group for ten years prior to moving over to the Science & Technology group where he wrote the charter for and launched the Agency’s black ops Agency of Clandestine Services organization. In January 2002, three months after the 9-11 terrorist bombings, Smalls was able to secure Presidential approval from the Bush administration to launch ACS’s M-Division Security & Task Force Analysis group. He was named Director (DCS) of the new organization and had dotted line reporting to the Terrorist Threat Integration Center and the Director of Central Intelligence ("DCI"). Recent Congressional oversight hearings have brought attention to CIA black ops activities, specifically Dir. Smalls' ACS/M-Division and Project Greenleaf (7M-14, 7M-23).

Sergeant Alex Stevens
Sergeant Alex Stevens reports directly to the DCS (Dir. Smalls) and is the ACS lead for M-Division Security & Task Force Analysis and M-Agent Field Support. Sgt. Stevens has a Red-6 classification clearance and his unit, along with the DCS, has dotted line reporting to the Terrorist Threat Integration Center which reports directly back to both the Director of Central Intelligence and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (DCI). Sgt. Stevens is a decorated war veteran, having served with the U.S. Marines in several covert excursions in Afghanistan, Africa, Kazakhstan, Syria, and the Middle East. Sgt. Stevens was part of the covert military unit that captured the Louisiana "Gill Girls" (Project Greenleaf). Initially bringing the wanted subjects of interest in for interrogation, Sgt. Stevens and his M-Agent squadron were later accused of exceeding their security charter and violating international human rights laws associated with incarceration of prisoners.
Sergeant Alex Stevens reports directly to the DCS (Dir. Smalls) and is the ACS lead for M-Division Security & Task Force Analysis and M-Agent Field Support. Sgt. Stevens has a Red-6 classification clearance and his unit, along with the DCS, has dotted line reporting to the Terrorist Threat Integration Center which reports directly back to both the Director of Central Intelligence and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (DCI). Sgt. Stevens is a decorated war veteran, having served with the U.S. Marines in several covert excursions in Afghanistan, Africa, Kazakhstan, Syria, and the Middle East. Sgt. Stevens was part of the covert military unit that captured the Louisiana "Gill Girls" (Project Greenleaf). Initially bringing the wanted subjects of interest in for interrogation, Sgt. Stevens and his M-Agent squadron were later accused of exceeding their security charter and violating international human rights laws associated with incarceration of prisoners.

Professor Matthew Lamb
Reporting directly to the DCS (Dir. Smalls), Professor Matthew Lamb is the Chief Scientist at ACS/M-Division and is infamously known for illegally testing new R&D technologies on human test subjects. Prof. Lamb is equipped with a classified Red-6 spending budget and a staff of sixty-five scientists and technicians who work in four labs (Advanced Technologies, Research & Development, Collection & Analysis, Development & Engineering) as well as his own independent lab in the lower levels of the ACS/M-Division facilities in Baton Rouge Louisiana. Many of the ACS/M-Division projects under Prof. Lamb's management are in specific areas outlawed by the U.S. Congress and are also designated as illegal medical/research activities on the U.N.'s sanctions list. A few of Prof. Lanb's controversial experimental test subjects at ACS/M-Division have been identified during recent CIA oversight investigations. The list of individuals include Carolyn Bronnicke (Project Greenleaf: Pg. 1, Pg. 11), Ian Ball (Project Somers Town), Yasmine Grant (Project Re-Start), Rick Miller (Project Best Wish II), and twin sisters Erin and Erica Nicholas (Project Cross Stitch).
Reporting directly to the DCS (Dir. Smalls), Professor Matthew Lamb is the Chief Scientist at ACS/M-Division and is infamously known for illegally testing new R&D technologies on human test subjects. Prof. Lamb is equipped with a classified Red-6 spending budget and a staff of sixty-five scientists and technicians who work in four labs (Advanced Technologies, Research & Development, Collection & Analysis, Development & Engineering) as well as his own independent lab in the lower levels of the ACS/M-Division facilities in Baton Rouge Louisiana. Many of the ACS/M-Division projects under Prof. Lamb's management are in specific areas outlawed by the U.S. Congress and are also designated as illegal medical/research activities on the U.N.'s sanctions list. A few of Prof. Lanb's controversial experimental test subjects at ACS/M-Division have been identified during recent CIA oversight investigations. The list of individuals include Carolyn Bronnicke (Project Greenleaf: Pg. 1, Pg. 11), Ian Ball (Project Somers Town), Yasmine Grant (Project Re-Start), Rick Miller (Project Best Wish II), and twin sisters Erin and Erica Nicholas (Project Cross Stitch).

Mirka Bearden (Bearden Capital Assets)
Mirka Guldager (maiden name) had a successful ten year Wall Street financial career as a commodities trader prior to moving to London, England and working for her future husband Sir James Leigh Bearden. After joining Bearden Capital Aseets, Mirka took the company private in a highly contested stock-buy-back venture in which she took on the company's board of directors and many institutional equity shareholders. The true objectives of Mirka Bearden and financial institution Bearden Capital Assets are shrouded in mystery. Mirka, along with her silent partner / husband Sir Bearden, has always kept a low profile among Europe's financial elite. However, CIA proper recently became aware of their secret financial assistance to ACS/M-Division as well as rumored ties to the controversial Church of the Leviathan. After a series of Congressional oversight investigations restricted all U.S. funding to any future ACS/M-Division black ops projects, Dir. Smalls began to turn to other previously used offshore sources.
Mirka Guldager (maiden name) had a successful ten year Wall Street financial career as a commodities trader prior to moving to London, England and working for her future husband Sir James Leigh Bearden. After joining Bearden Capital Aseets, Mirka took the company private in a highly contested stock-buy-back venture in which she took on the company's board of directors and many institutional equity shareholders. The true objectives of Mirka Bearden and financial institution Bearden Capital Assets are shrouded in mystery. Mirka, along with her silent partner / husband Sir Bearden, has always kept a low profile among Europe's financial elite. However, CIA proper recently became aware of their secret financial assistance to ACS/M-Division as well as rumored ties to the controversial Church of the Leviathan. After a series of Congressional oversight investigations restricted all U.S. funding to any future ACS/M-Division black ops projects, Dir. Smalls began to turn to other previously used offshore sources.

Sir James Leigh Bearden (Business Magnate, Philanthropist)
Forbes has listed the reclusive Sir James Leigh Bearden as the wealthiest man in the world with extensive personal assets and corporate holdings that sum to a net worth of $187 billion (USD). Born in the small rural Mongolian town of Ölziit and later raised in the capital city of Ulan Bator, Sir Bearden's initial businesses succeeded in agriculture, mining, and import/export. Saying goodbye to his land-locked country in the late 50's for Europe (England, France, Germany), he expanded his business ventures into the areas of freight shipping and transportation, commodities investment banking, automotive and airline manufacturing, newspaper publishing, computer mainframe technology, and information database retrieval services. Quickly establishing himself among Europe's financial elite, he was knighted by the Queen of England in 1978 because of his many charitable gifts to the United Kingdom's remote and financially distressed regions (Ireland, Gibraltar, Falkland Islands) and various sovereign Christian ministries. After a tragic airplane accident in 1983 in which his third wife Maria and two teenage children Marcos and Misheel were killed, Sir Bearden dropped out of attending any public events and rarely left his mansion in England. His fourth wife, Mirka Bearden, presently manages the investment banking arm of his corporate financial empire. During the past several years, Sir Bearden has been at the center of numerous tabloid rumors in regard to his reclusive lifestyle, purported belief in astrology and the occult, and his supposed financial contributions to the controversial Church of Leviathan in Ireland.
Forbes has listed the reclusive Sir James Leigh Bearden as the wealthiest man in the world with extensive personal assets and corporate holdings that sum to a net worth of $187 billion (USD). Born in the small rural Mongolian town of Ölziit and later raised in the capital city of Ulan Bator, Sir Bearden's initial businesses succeeded in agriculture, mining, and import/export. Saying goodbye to his land-locked country in the late 50's for Europe (England, France, Germany), he expanded his business ventures into the areas of freight shipping and transportation, commodities investment banking, automotive and airline manufacturing, newspaper publishing, computer mainframe technology, and information database retrieval services. Quickly establishing himself among Europe's financial elite, he was knighted by the Queen of England in 1978 because of his many charitable gifts to the United Kingdom's remote and financially distressed regions (Ireland, Gibraltar, Falkland Islands) and various sovereign Christian ministries. After a tragic airplane accident in 1983 in which his third wife Maria and two teenage children Marcos and Misheel were killed, Sir Bearden dropped out of attending any public events and rarely left his mansion in England. His fourth wife, Mirka Bearden, presently manages the investment banking arm of his corporate financial empire. During the past several years, Sir Bearden has been at the center of numerous tabloid rumors in regard to his reclusive lifestyle, purported belief in astrology and the occult, and his supposed financial contributions to the controversial Church of Leviathan in Ireland.

Inmate No. 174954
Inmate No. 174954 (true identity unknown) is a former top secret government asset and ACS/M-Division contractor who is now confined to a maximum security prison at Guantanamo Bay. All charges filed against the prisoner are highly classified. He is believed to have been captured in Bolivia after fleeing the United States for a failed assassination attempt on the U.S. President, several members of his cabinet, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff during a military briefing at Pentagon headquarters. Much of the prisoner's espionage background is unknown, however he has been loosely linked to ACS/M-Division's Project Re-Start and former employee Yasmine Grant as well as the 1989 Sudan military coup in which Omar al-Bashir assumed power. The prisoner is fluent in seven languages and has previously used the names Douglass Liotta, Eric Sartan, Jack Manio, and Scott Frenz as aliases. Inmate No. 174954 has been interrogated several times over the past year by CIA Asst. Dir. Raymond Voight regarding ACS/M-Division operations.
Inmate No. 174954 (true identity unknown) is a former top secret government asset and ACS/M-Division contractor who is now confined to a maximum security prison at Guantanamo Bay. All charges filed against the prisoner are highly classified. He is believed to have been captured in Bolivia after fleeing the United States for a failed assassination attempt on the U.S. President, several members of his cabinet, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff during a military briefing at Pentagon headquarters. Much of the prisoner's espionage background is unknown, however he has been loosely linked to ACS/M-Division's Project Re-Start and former employee Yasmine Grant as well as the 1989 Sudan military coup in which Omar al-Bashir assumed power. The prisoner is fluent in seven languages and has previously used the names Douglass Liotta, Eric Sartan, Jack Manio, and Scott Frenz as aliases. Inmate No. 174954 has been interrogated several times over the past year by CIA Asst. Dir. Raymond Voight regarding ACS/M-Division operations.

Weston Gasher
Weston Gasher is an American citizen and businessman whose conglomerate companies have operations in the America, Europe, and Asia. Married with three children, Weston is a graduate of Harvard University. His various businesses are primary focused in the financial, petroleum, technology, and healthcare industries. For over thirty years, Weston is known to be fierce business rival to Sir James Leigh Bearden and his wife Mirka. Amongst the small circles of the wealthy and elite, Weston is rumored to be both a member of the Illuminati and the Overlord of the religious techno-cult known as the Gaborchend.
Weston Gasher is an American citizen and businessman whose conglomerate companies have operations in the America, Europe, and Asia. Married with three children, Weston is a graduate of Harvard University. His various businesses are primary focused in the financial, petroleum, technology, and healthcare industries. For over thirty years, Weston is known to be fierce business rival to Sir James Leigh Bearden and his wife Mirka. Amongst the small circles of the wealthy and elite, Weston is rumored to be both a member of the Illuminati and the Overlord of the religious techno-cult known as the Gaborchend.

Kamari, whose last name is unknown, is an Australian who serves as the personal assistant, chauffeur, and bodyguard to Mirka Bearden. Kamari is the son of Athan, who was the former manservant to Sir James Leigh Bearden for thirty-six years prior to his retirement due to heavy injuries sustained during an assassination attempt on Bearden's life. Kamari is a 6'4" 220 lb. 35 year-old athletic man who is incredibly strong and is trained in a wide variety of martial arts and defensive weaponry (e.g. knives, whips). He is ruthlessly devoted to the care and protection of the Beardens. Kamari is also a former sergeant in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and private military contractor (PMC).
Kamari, whose last name is unknown, is an Australian who serves as the personal assistant, chauffeur, and bodyguard to Mirka Bearden. Kamari is the son of Athan, who was the former manservant to Sir James Leigh Bearden for thirty-six years prior to his retirement due to heavy injuries sustained during an assassination attempt on Bearden's life. Kamari is a 6'4" 220 lb. 35 year-old athletic man who is incredibly strong and is trained in a wide variety of martial arts and defensive weaponry (e.g. knives, whips). He is ruthlessly devoted to the care and protection of the Beardens. Kamari is also a former sergeant in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and private military contractor (PMC).